Welcome to my blog. Prepare for some knowledge to be dropped on you.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random Findings

Well since all you kids in 5th hour are totally kicking my butt at this blogging thing (Alejandro), I figured I should step my game up a little. Basically I thought it'd be fun to make a list of some quandaries/findings that I've accumulated over the years. It'd be great if you guys could tell me what you think as well.

-The 3rd movie in a trilogy almost always sucks, and even though everyone knows this to be true, they see it anyways.
-I'm positive that chap stick companies just bank on the fact that they're product will be lost before it's been used up.
-Why doesn't anybody make a #2 mechanical pencil? Seems to me like it wouldn't be that hard and I'm sick of taking tests with the regular lead ones.
-Why doesn't airplane food ever taste good? I'm pretty sure every comedian for that past 1000 years has been complaining about it, time for a change?
-Why don't tele-marketers use a person's first name? If somebody did that to me I'd be so impressed I'd actually wait to see what they were selling before I hung up.
-On a related note, does anybody buy things from tele-marketers?
-Why is it that whenever there is an infomercial for some new set of kitchen supplies, I always feel it would make my life 20 times better? I don't even cook.
-Everything sounds cooler in a foreign language.
-I feel like broccoli gets a really bad reputation undeservedly. Has anybody actually given it a fair chance? It's probably delicious and I just can't get over the stigma.

Well that's about it guys, it'd be cool if you had any you might want to add?


Anonymous said...

Nice blog Mac, but remember this is not a competition haha. And I agree! Broccoli is a tasty treat, people really need to give it a chance haha.

Mac G said...

haha wow a comment from curtis jackson! Thanks dude.

Ame said...

On the chapstick, I would say ur correct. Othewise they hope u will be nice, share it, find out that person is dying, panic, and buy new shit. Instead of just scraping some off. Obviously theres very few sherlocks in this world and many dying men.

As for the tele people usuing their name; They are worried you, yes u mac, will rape them! You see, heres how i see it. They ALWAYS call me and there like "Good evening mrs smith (mind u im not married), how are you tonight?" And I go "quite fine mam, u see, im eating roast beef right now" and the woman goes, "ah! quite pleasent!" and i say "indeed, and may i inquire upon ur name?" and just like that she tells me. So i suggest u be more conversational and theyll be less worried about rude rapes.

I should never buy from a telemarket as my friends dad was thrown in jail by somethin he said to one, so it would be an injustic to loayity if i were to buy from them. Especially the carpet cleaners...theyre dangerious...dont ask them if they can get blood out of a carpet!

Yes oi do LOVE the info cermercials. Especially the magick bullet! If only i was rich! and u see, it would make ur like thousands better because then u WOULD cook :) and urd get fatter :) And rounder! and heatheir looking.

Now u must answer my questions.

1) If i shake a camel, can u hear the water thats stored in its humps slosh?

2) Go to my blog and vote on the poll (right side)

3) Would u get into a physical fight if u knew u were about 2 lose?

Beto said...


Ruthie said...

I DO NOT lose my chapstick.

EB said...

I like brocolli! Don't use this against me in your 'burn on Ellen sessions'. And i'm pretty sure I haven't been able to keep track of the same chapstick for more than two weeks...

L. M. Peifer said...

I love broccoli! Of course, that might not mean a lot coming from your teacher. You are probably thinking I am just saying that because I am supposed to because I am a teacher, but I really do love it. Also, I think airline food isn't so bad if it is on an international flight. This could be because they actually give you real silverware and use real plates and not plastic. It could also be because they give you so much food that by the time you get off the plane you think it was good just because they never stopped feeding you.

Ame said...

On my international flight i got plastic. Pehaps they woere worried about me stabbing the baby next to me :/ but yes, the food was good.
And Mac? I was dismayed to see u didn't oblige and vote on my poll.

jessica said...

I completely agree about the third movie thing, the third spiderman movie was one of the worst things I have ever seen. I do all ways lose my chapstick.

Shannon said...

They DO make #2 lead! but none of the teachers believe you when you tell them.